25 Apr 2016

Newton Faulkner Live | Career Update

I thought it was probably about time I updated my blog, I've spent the last few day's updating my social pages across the internet, as well as working on many exciting projects and making exciting plans for the coming six months. As I write this I'm about to head to yet another event... 

11 Apr 2016

sometimes you gotta of with the flow

4 Apr 2016

focus on the goal

Always focus on the goal, no matter how many brick walls you hit, no matter how slow you feel thing go sometimes, focus on the goal, keep moving forwards and it will all come together.

1 Apr 2016

make your dreams happen

Sometimes we get lost, sometimes we get distracted or caught up in situations and we lose our paths, we go off track, but there's always time to make your dreams happen!! :)